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A Prominent Global Health Issue: HOW CAN WE TRAVEL SUSTAINABLY?

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

Author: Tasbih Bakshi

As you might know or not know, Climate Change has an imperative impact on Global Health. The World Health Organization predicts that there would be 250,000 additional yearly deaths by the 2030s due to climate change impacts on diseases like malaria and coastal flooding. 

So, the bigger question is, how can we make a difference in our daily lives, especially when traveling with friends, family and colleagues? 

When we travel, we create a growing carbon footprint and increase carbon emissions that can relate to global health problems such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders, and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

While I am not saying to stop traveling or going through adventures through the world, I request everyone to be mindful when they are traveling. Travelers can be mindful when traveling by traveling sustainably and keeping a couple things in mind when on the road. By being mindful and keeping an open perspective in terms of traveling in an eco-friendly way, we can continue to decrease climate change impacts and save lives. 

Using Efficient and Carbon Reducing Travel Options

  • Before booking your flight, check to see if the airline has any carbon offset programs or other environmental initiatives. Planes produce more carbon during takeoff and landing than the actual flight, so booking non-stop decreases your carbon footprint

  • Fly non-stop. Pit stops and layovers mean at least one extra takeoff and landing, which is responsible for half of the carbon emissions during a single flight

  • Schedule back-to-back appointments. With some extra planning, you can group together a couple of meetings, rather than making separate trips. Not only will you save fuel you’ll save time and money

  • Choose e-tickets instead of paper. Having your smartphone scanned at airports and train stations is often seamless

Conserving Water and Resources

  • Take showers (10-25 gallons of water) instead of baths (70 gallons of water). Shorten your showers by turning off the water while you lather up, shave, and brush your teeth

  • Do not leave the water running unless it’s in use

  • Avoid using hotel laundry service, because they wash guest’s clothes separately and consume a lot more water

  • Low impact accommodation

  • Baths>showers

Avoiding Plastics Like Disposable Water Bottles, Toiletries and more(Single Use Plastics)

  • Bring your own reusable water bottle on your trip!

  • If you are concerned with water quality - bring a built in purifier or tablets!

If you must buy a single-use plastic bottle, hold on to it until you find a recycling bin.

Overall, here are some tips of how to travel in a sustainable way in which we can help our planet thrive and survive!


“Climate change.” World Health Organization (WHO), 12 October 2023, Accessed 6 November 2024. 

“Combat Climate Change.” Sustainable Travel International, Accessed 6 November 2024.

“Sustainable Travel Tips | It's Your Yale.” It's Your Yale, Accessed 6 November 2024.

“Taking action for the health of people and the planet | United Nations.” the United Nations, Accessed 6 November 2024.


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